1.0 The BCITO night classes are to help you gain the knowledge required to pass assessments while you work towards your New Zealand Certificate in Carpentry. You will gain skill-based experience from your on-site work.

2.0 This stage consists of 10 night classes ranging from 2 to 2.5 hours depending on the topics covered. It is advised that you attend every class and send a text when you are unable to attend. Three unexplained absences will lead to an immediate withdrawal and loss of your spot at these classes.

3.0 Assessment will occur with your BCITO Training Advisor on your normal three monthly site visit cycle. Your Training Advisor may look over the notes you have taken in class, walk around the site with you, discuss your progress with your employer, but he will definitely ask you to talk about what you have done and what you understand. You will need to prepare for these assessment visits by doing what you can to help your Training Advisor see and hear how good you are.

4.0 Attending the night classes does not guarantee that you will pass your assessments but they are designed to help.

5.0 If you miss a class, you may be able to make up the class on the next round of the stage you attended. You will need to discuss this with your BCITO Training Advisor to register you on the next round with the provider.
Clear Signature
By signing this agreement I agree to the terms and conditions of this Memorandum of Understanding with the BCITO and provider Learner Focused Training (LFT)