Filipino Support Sessions


The Filipino Support classes are designed to help Filipino carpentry apprentices who need extra support with gaining a better understanding of key carpentry topics and Kiwi building terminology, even though they may have years of building experience behind them.


It is a 10-week course , and classes are held  from 6pm-7.30pm, one night a week. We cover the following core topics and touch on key building code and legislation aspects:

  • Working Drawings – 2 classes
  • Water Tightness – 2 classes
  • Timber – 2 classes

The apprentices are then given the option to choose what topics they would like to cover over the remaining 4 weeks.


Our classes are effective because we limit the class size, work at a slower pace and give ample time to allow people to ask questions and work together to find solutions. We make sure that everyone feels safe and comfortable to optimise learning and that we are culturally appropriate. It is a safe space for those who may feel embarrassed about their English pronunciations and/or just need the opportunity to have things explained to them. Please note, classes are conducted in English.


All classes are ONLINE using Zoom so you can work from the comfort of your own home after a busy day at work.

You will need wifi, a mobile and/or computer/laptop with a working camera and sound, to join in the classes.


BCITO provides these classes for FREE to their apprentices.

If you are interested, please register your interest by clicking one of the boxes below or speak with your Training Advisor.