MW Training Agreement

1. Training Agreement

1.1 This Training Agreement (TA) is a requirement under the Ministry of Social Development (MSD), Māori Trades and Training Fund (MTTF) and Mana Within’s initiative, Empowering Māori in trades, which will support Māori in construction trades.

1.2 This is an agreement between Mana Within, the trainee (tauira), trainee’s Whanau, and the employer. This agreement forms part of an employment agreement or volunteer employment agreement between the employer and the tauira, supported by Mana Within staff.

1.3 The TA forms the commitment, obligations, and agreement of participant between all parties and to each other to the ‘Empowering Māori in trades’ initiative, the structured pastoral care and Mana Within’s scholarship programme ‘Te Pae’, other learning, training, and support programmes provided by Mana Within.

1.4 The ‘Empowering Māori in trades’ initiative supports tauira to achieve work experience, employment and/or unit standards/specifications leading to a prescribed New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) construction trade qualification.

1.5 The initiative also acknowledges soft skills and non NZQA registered achievements such as drivers licensing, personal growth, connection to Te Ao Māori, work ready programmes, site safe accreditation, powder actuated tool training, first aid training and other learning components in each person’s training plan as best fits their needs.

1.6 This TA is independent of any other existing Training Agreements in place with other industry training organisations such as BCITO/Te Pukenga and MPTTA (Maori and Pasifika Trade Training Auckland).

2. Privacy Act 2020

2.1 The employer, tauira and whanau authorise Mana Within to:

a) Access, collect, retain & use personal information about the employer, trainee, and whanau:
• for Mana Within administrative purposes.
• to fulfil the requirements of MSD under the Māori Trades and Training Fund
• for marketing purposes and promotional work.

2.2 The employer, tauira and whanau have the right to request a copy of the personal information held by Mana Within and the right to request corrections to any incorrect information held by Mana Within.

3. Term

3.1 The TA starts on the date this agreement is signed by tauira and registered by Mana Within staff or when the programme starts, whichever is the earlier date.

3.2 The TA will end February 14, 2024, unless it is ended earlier in accordance with clause 4, Termination.

3.3 Should funding be extended beyond February 2024 Mana Within may renew this TA on a case-by-case basis.

4. Termination

4.1 Termination of the employment or volunteer agreement between tauira and the employer will automatically result in the termination of this TA.

4.2 This TA will also terminate if:
a) Tauira continually fails to communicate with or is not contactable for a period of 20 Working days by Mana Within staff.
b) Mana Within becomes aware that the employer or tauira is unable to fulfil their training responsibilities and obligations under this initiative and this TA.
c) Tauira declines and/or fails to enrol in any agreed learning courses, over the term of the TA, without first discussing with Mana Within staff and providing information or explanation for not participating.
d) Mana Within has the sole discretion to terminate this TA with and/or without accepting the explanation provided.

4.3 If tauira wish to end their participation in the Mana Within programme/s at any time, tauira must notify Mana Within staff as soon as possible and confirm their withdrawal in writing. The responsibilities and obligations of all parties under this TA will be terminated from the date of the written notice.

5. Mana Within’s Obligations

5.1 Mana Within agrees to:
a) Provide off-job training, pastoral care, mentoring and support for all Mana Within trainees, our tauira.
b) Liaise between employers, whanau, BCITO and others to improve outcomes for tauira.
c) Share industry knowledge & experience whilst walking alongside each tauira.
d) Provide a safe kaupapa Māori environment for everyone to learn & grow.
Clear Signature
By signing this agreement I agree to the terms and conditions of this Memorandum of Understanding with the BCITO and provider Learner Focused Training (LFT)
6. Employer’s Obligations

6.1 The Employer agrees to:
a) Allow Mana Within staff access to supervisors & trainers as required.
b) Allow Mana Within staff time on site with the trainees to help identify goals to be achieved, assessment preparation and evidence gathering.
c) Allow Mana Within staff to act as the primary evaluator within the assessment team.

6.2 The Employer commits to:
a) Supporting Mana Within and the trainee to access all learning needs, assessments and training required for the pastoral care programme Te Pae.
b) Facilitating, and actively encouraging the trainee’s participation to attend, progress and complete all learning needs, assessments, and training.

6.3 The Employer consents to:
a) Releasing the trainee to attend off-job training courses and Mana Within support programmes to meet identified literacy, language, digital, numeracy skills gaps (if required), and any learning for health and safety requirements.
b) Providing training and the opportunity to the trainee to gain experience in all aspects of their apprenticeship and, where this is not possible, liaise with Mana Within to discuss other learning options.

6.4 The employer will be responsible for:
a) Ensuring that the trainee is supervised by a person that meets industry licensing requirements.
b) Making trainees aware of their employers’ health and safety policies and processes and the trainees’ responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.
c) Notifying Mana Within immediately when:
• The trainee needs extra support, guidance, an advocate and/or would benefit from a source of support independent from the employer.
• The trainee enrols with any other Industry Training Organisation at any time throughout the duration of the course or the Programme.
• The trainee is under performance review or is at risk of losing their employment.
• The trainee’s employment or volunteer work agreement ceases.
• The employer’s business is sold and/or is no longer trading.
Clear Signature
7. Trainee’s Obligations

7.1 The trainee agrees to:
a) Maintain consistent and timely communication with Mana Within staff.
b) Allow Mana Within staff to liaise directly with BCITO/Te Pukenga, Training Advisors, and any other party relevant to supporting and involving their learning.
c) Allow Mana Within staff access to NZQA record of achievement and MyBcito/Canvas platform to help support the trainee’s progression and accreditation.

7.2 The trainee commits to:
a) Completing the Mana Within needs analysis and participating in the Mana Within support programmes agreed on thereafter.
b) Attending zoom night-classes, wananga and one-to-one tutoring/mentoring by Mana Within and other providers (as required).
c) Developing their professional and personal skills.
d) Attend any required training and learning as detailed in the agreed Training plan.
e) Asking for help and support throughout the duration of the program from either their employer and/or Mana Within staff.

7.3 The trainee will:
a) Advise Mana Within as soon as is reasonably practical of any changes to their contact, address, or employer details.
b) Embrace the Mana Within kaupapa of “we are all learners & we are all teachers”
c) Include Mana Within, whanau and the employer in their learning journey as part of the holistic approach to support their professional and personal growth.
d) Participate and engage fully in the Mana Within program as their contribution and acknowledgement of the related costs being absorbed by Mana Within to help support and progress the trainee’s learning.

7.4 The trainee will be responsible for notifying Mana Within staff immediately when:
a) Enrolling with another Industry Training Organisation at any time throughout the duration of the course or the Programme.
b) There are any changes in life circumstances which may involve the trainee leaving Auckland permanently. Leaving the Auckland region permanently will terminate this TA.
• This includes any instance such as needing to leave due to family or safety issues or just planning to leave the Auckland region for any other reason.
c) Employment or volunteer/unpaid work agreement ceases or there is a change of employer.

Clear Signature
By signing this agreement I agree to the terms and conditions of this Memorandum of Understanding with the Mana Within Ltd
8. Whanau’s Obligations

8.1 Whanau agree to:
a) Actively participating in the trainee’s journey with Mana Within.
b) Communicate openly with Mana Within staff.
c) Encourage the trainee and assist where possible.
Clear Signature
By signing this agreement I agree to the terms and conditions of this Memorandum of Understanding with the BCITO and provider Learner Focused Training (LFT)
Clear Signature
By signing this agreement I agree to the terms and conditions of this Memorandum of Understanding with the BCITO and provider Learner Focused Training (LFT)